Week in the Life Day 1: Sunday


Today I begin following along with Ali Edward’s Week in the Life.

I usually start a day early to begin the week on Sunday.

Today we started the week with The Comparison Trap at church.

Salad in fresh bread for them, an S salad for me.

We make a list of things to take on our upcoming holiday and Emily counted the cars in the carpark on the maps of the theme parks Phill printed off.

While Emily and Edward slept, I worked a little on my 30 Days of Lists and Digital Scrapbooking HQ.

After their sleep Phill taught Emily how to make coin rubbings. EJ kept trying to use the coins as a stamp we played What’s the Time Mr Wolf. I folded some washing.

Fish and chips for tea was a popular choice.

More folding. I also painted my nails with a new mint green polish.

We finished the night watching Con Air. I thought it was an OK movie, but a little too dramatic for me. Plus some of the criminals were pretty nasty. But then again it is call ‘Con’ Air 🙂