Lucy at 5 months

Lucy Loves Zippy zebra Sleeping The music at church Pointing her finger Lucy Tried Water in a bottle Jumping in a jolly jumper Sitting in her high chair Sitting in the bumbo chair Lucy is Happy Smiley Chatty Giggly Most of the time. For a couple of week your eye teeth were bothering you and you… Continue reading Lucy at 5 months

Sibling Love: 30 Days of Thankful

Edward and Lucy

Today I’m thankful for siblings. Seeing and hearing our little one playing together makes my heart happy. Emily and Edward each have songs they like to sing Lucy to cheer her up. Zippy the Zebra is Emily’s go to and Happy is Edward’s.

Grandparents: 30 Days of Thankful

Growing up I was blessed to spend a lot of time my all four of my grandparents. I’m thankful for the love and wisdom they poured into my life. Knitting Embroidery Painting Paper making Kicking a football Singing Playing piano Many sporting skills Card games Darning Kindling a fire Cutting wood with an axe These… Continue reading Grandparents: 30 Days of Thankful