Week in the Life Day 3

Today was a tough one for me with little sleep last night (maybe I was hungry? I eventually got myself some yoghurt at 4:30 and back to sleep!), blood glucose monitoring, lots of washing, Emily coming down with another cold and an appointment with a new obstetrician (while my GP/Obs is away for the next 2 weeks). On the plus side, the baby’s head is engaged and my longitudinal blood sugars came back at 5.2 which is totally fine.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

I’m cooking a roast for tea, so I hope that I’ll feel better with a full tummy tonight!

But on the other hand, I’m thankful for only a tiny reaction to the flu immunisation I had on Friday, a day with Phill at home tomorrow for ANZAC day and Mum who was able to come and mind Emily while I saw the Doctor (oh and help me change my sewing machine needle, cut pumpkin and replace the elastic in the bassinet cover – love you Mum!)

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Big Picture Classes Free Week In The Life Community – includes message boards and gallery (and archives from last year for additional inspiration)

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TWITTER | #weekinthelife

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Over at Digital Scrapbooking HQ I’ve put together some tips for Week in the Life, along with my plan on how I’m tackling it.