A couple of months ago I contributed to a post over at the Daily Digi about using and organising the Digi Files Melissa S.: This is my process – Download into a TDF## folder in my Digi folder on my PC Unzip with Unzipthemall Import into PSE Organizer Add them to TDF## album Tag all… Continue reading Organising the Digi Files
Tag: Adobe Photoshop
Using styles in Photoshop Elements
I love the coordinating styles that some with some digital kits, such as Flerg’s glitter styles so today I’m going fill you in on how you can use them to add a special something to your next layout. Some of you may not have used styles before, if that’s you – great! Hopefully you’ll be… Continue reading Using styles in Photoshop Elements
How to extract an image in Photoshop Elements
Today I thought I’d highlight some handy tips for extracting photos in Photoshop Elements. I try to make it easy on myself by selecting a photo with a fairly defined image to extract. Here’s my starting point. This one is not too easy as the carpet isn’t that different in colour to the truck, so… Continue reading How to extract an image in Photoshop Elements
How can I use the dodge and burn tools?
I’ve been gathering some questions from you – so let’s jump straight in and answer one! One way I use the burn tool is to “ink” the edges of papers that I’ve clipped to a template. For example on this template from The Daily Digi, I’ll use it on the scallops: Before: After burning the edges at… Continue reading How can I use the dodge and burn tools?