It’s time again for Ella’s Take 12. On the 12th of each month I stop and take (hopefully 12) photos of our daily life. There’s also monthly theme prompts in the Take Twelve pack, but I’m keeping it simple with a toddler and new baby!
What is Take Twelve?
The goal of the 2012 Take Twelve Project is to take 12 photos on the 12th day of each month for a full 12 months—and scrapbook them! You can join in the fun any month of the year, but we hope you’ll join in starting January 12. Get the scoop at ellapublishing.com/taketwelve.
Learn more about the history of the Take Twelve project and see Ella’s FAQ section.
Are you taking 12? Don’t forget to share them on Instagram or Twitter with #take12 hash tag or in our Flickr group
I’ve been using Instagram to take my photos each month (mostly) supplemented with my Canon IXSUS point and shoot.
Here’s my photos for the Take 12 year so far…
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
PS Have you got the free Ella Sampler ebook yet?