One thing that we were looking forward to at our new home was a double oven. After using 900mm ovens all our married life, I was a bit cautious of going back to a 600mm oven.
Then once it was installed the oven never worked. Or rather the timer never worked – the click never lit up and the big oven wouldn’t turn on. Fortunately the top oven used an old school dial system so we can still use it. But as we speak I’m cooking a roast and it is a little squeezy. And muffins, well I had to cook them over 2 days as they grew to tall to have 2 trays at once. In general though I’m enjoying having a speedy little oven for garlic bread and the like.
So after 2 visits from a tech and nearly 2 months waiting, we now have to have to WHOLE OVEN replaced. Oh well, it will be exciting to try my new oven in June!
Being without an oven is nothing new, as we have incidents with gas bottles running out in Kalgoorlie, and then no oven during the renovation of our kitchen at Tindals Cres that took over a month, as Bunnings took ages to get our cupboards in. Phill did his bit in 1 long weekend, then were sitting around waiting for trades and those Flat pack cupboards.
I seem to have a bad record with ovens though. The gas oven at Lewis St never liked lighting for me, the small oven at Tindals Cres set my pizzas alight twice, and the whole door fell off and the built in oven almost followed (yes, we bought the house to renovate)
Our new oven at Tindals Cres had it’s clock die (Technika were brilliant and had it fixed in no time), and the clock on our parents oven at Foss St gave up the ghost while we were living there (admittedly it was already on the way out, probably the same power surge that messed up the dishwasher finally killed it!)
Enough with the negativity though, we are loving our new house, and enjoying making it a home. Oh and we finally bought a lounge suite. Everyone in Kal will be amazed, there is life after Stu’s couches! But that story is for a whole other New 52.Curious about New 52? Learn more about the New 52 challenge here. I’m finding that looking out for new experiences is helping me appreciate that my life is full of variety.
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I loved Stu's couches!
What a pain, I hate when new stuff doesn't work. LOL I have a love/hate relationship with ovens, too. So far our new one is working out quite splendidly, but I'm afraid to feel hopeful.