My Birthday, Lights, Curtains and Kitchen

We spent a few days in Perth at the start of April as Phill had training, so we got to stay at the Sheraton (with work paying!) which was very nice. We had two birthday lunches with family, plus Dan and Amberley had their house/bbq warming party with the Okely side that weekend. I spent some time visiting my boss at ECU (I’m tutoring online with them)and my old work people, plus shopping with mum for curtains and dresses for upcoming weddings! 🙂


My birthday was great, I was excited to received 2 art books from Kath, a mini purse pen that replaces the one I  lost last year from Phill, plus a few more books and bits and pieces from the rest of the family – I’m a lucky girl!

We came home to find that Simon (electrician) and Stuart (comms tech) had come to visit and installed our new lights and extra phone extension while we were away (Yes, I gave them the keys lol!). So have new lights up in our front rooms the old one were artistically cracked and wonky ones. We put up new curtains in the lounge room and have now had our existing curtain tracks repaired and have put up curtains in our bedroom too.

Our latest project (now the curtains are up in the living areas) is the kitchen. Phill attacked it last night and it now all pulled out. The cupboard were screwed, stapled and glues together so so much for giving away the old bits of the kitchen!! We are picking up the 1st instalment of our new kitchen from Bunnings and natural gas had been connected (se now have quite a bit of red dirt rather than lawn out the front!) We also have all our crockery and stuff out on the lounge room floor. Thankfully the dishwasher can fit in the laundry so we don’t have to wash dishes! After much thought we ended up going for the 900mm upright oven, and it arrived last weekend.

So we are now working on the kitchen and can’t wait for Bunnings to open at 12pm today.

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