March Update

I’ve been planning to update you all on our South West trip – but I just haven’t quite got around to it yet! I’ve been putting some photos up on Picasa – just email me if you’d like a link.

Needless to say, we loved our trip and though I was pretty tired we stayed well and still got to see quite a few things! The weather in Margaret River, Pemberton, Walpole and Denmark was lovely but the second day in Albany it turned very overcast for Bremer Bay and Esperance. We managed to run into plenty of people we knew – even Phill’s boss from Kal happened to be waiting at the tourist tram in Pemberton!







In February we had visitors from Perth – Natalie, Lauren and Caitlin, which was great fun. We took in a few of the sights – the Town Hall, Boulder Sweet Shop, the Superpit and of course the Hall of Fame with its underground tour and gold panning. We also got to enjoy a free concert by the Fab Four (Beatles Tribute Band) at Centennial Park 13-18 February 2009


In March we had Dad S up for a few days for work, so that was great to see him, though Phill had 2 days of shutdowns and a trip to Perth, so he didn’t see to much of his dad, we did manage to catch up for dinner. Plus I enjoyed a couple of lunches at Bliss Cafe. I love the fact that we have such a great cafe just down the road. Literally 2mins drive!

PrintLast Saturday night some friends from church all went to the last Sunset at the Soundshell Concert, it was a fun night, with lovely weather, great company and an awesome bring and share dinner.


The weather here is cooling down  (27-30 most days) so Phill and I are going for a walk most evenings, sadly the hospital doesn’t have enough interested mums to run their usual exercise classes at the moment, but I’m on the list, hopefully it will start soon. We’ve started antenatal classes and I managed to make it through the first one without fainting! Phill’s finished making the change table, we’ve just got our basinet set up and I’m just itching to get everything set up. But as Phill says Pebble’s not due for 11 more weeks so I’d better leave some stuff to do then!

At the moment Phill’s away for work, but he’s able to get a quick trip to Townsville in to see Grandad which is a great opportunity, as we probably won’t make it to Queensland this year – strangely enough we have something else happening in June, when we usually go! 🙂

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