Lucy at two months

2040818 2 months_3600Since about 6 weeks you’ve been wearing size 000. In fact you are already too long for some of the 000s.

You are really starting to vocalise, smile and interact with toys. You love to tell us stories about everything that happens. Edward is fascinated by you and each time you make a sound he points it out to me. Emily loves being your big sister and tells everyone we meet about you. You’ve already enjoyed your first church camp and even got babysat by Grandma Okely for mummy’s glucose tolerance test.

At 7 weeks your had your frenotomy on your upper lip and tongue to stop the clicking and help you have a better attachement. The lactation consultant did a very thorough suck test and it turns out you were work twice as hard to get your milk as a the norm. You were smiling and happy even after the odd tastes of the local anaesthetic and the dentist’s bubblegum flavoured gloves. We hope this will help you feed more easily with your short tongue and high palate, as well as avoid future issue  with eating solids, speech, orthodontic work.

We love you Lucy


  1. Very sweet! You write such detailed journalling! I am sure those details will be appreciated in the years to come. 🙂

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