I’ve been gathering some questions from you – so let’s jump straight in and answer one!
One way I use the burn tool is to “ink” the edges of papers that I’ve clipped to a template.
For example on this template from The Daily Digi, I’ll use it on the scallops:

After burning the edges at 70px, Midtones, 30% exposure. You can play around with the settings for various different effects.
Here I’ve used erasing, smudging and dodging to wrap part of this 12 inch long ribbon around a frame.
(Supplies: Colour Coded paper, Free Spirit Frame, In the Meadow Ribbon)
Dodging creates highlights in the much the same way – I’ve used dodge and burn to great the shadow and highlight where this needle goes through the ribbon.
(Supplies: Colour Coded paper, Free Spirit Frame, In the Meadow Ribbon, Chocolate Covered Cherries needle)
(Supplies: Colour Coded paper, Free Spirit Frame, In the Meadow Ribbon, Chocolate Covered Cherries needle)
I love this tip from Elements Village on another way to dodge and burn!
Do you have questions on using Photoshop Elements? Why not leave me a comment and I’ll do my best to answer them!
Thanks for the Dodge and Burn tips. I have been trying to figure out how to use that tool more effectively in my art.
Boxers or briefs!!!! Who was so pervert to make such question?
LOL @ an outraged husband.
Melissa, thanks for posting the links to my tutorials. =D
And Mary, if you have a specific question … I’d be happy to help you with your perspective layouts. There are a lot of fantastic and beautiful papers out there (especially @ scrapbookgraphics *big grin*) … so let me know what papers you’d be interested in and what type of scene you’d like to create.