Emily loving reading her new advent book
Each morning she checks with me if it’s time to open a new door on the advent calendar. Today her reaction to my handdrawn picture of baby Jesus was priceless. “Aww” she said.
So much laughter over Emily’s new dance style.
So much folding of the washing I did on Friday
Phill finishing up the skirting boards (oh and lacerating his thumb)
A little cooking and a little work (30mins to be precise!)
Some finished pages
Below are images of my foundation pages and the completed pages so far.
I’m just writing on my foundation pages and will be ordering prints later in the month and assembling it all together later. My secret weapon? Tags in kraft and white for my journalling and washi tape so I can move it all around. Thanks to Simple Scrapper for the kit!
I’m also cutting my December Daily word art on the Cameo and adding that in.
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR. You can listen to my interviews about December Daily here.
With guests like Katrina Kennedy, Lynnette Penacho, Monica Bradford and more – I know you’ll enjoy it!