December Daily: Day 3

20111203 Christmas Tree 05

For more on my December Daily head over to

Traditions: Explaining the Nativity Scene to Emily at Joondalup shops.

20111203 Joondalup shops 01

Craft: Scrapbooking my Dec Daily Smile

Decorating: Got the lights working! Added a star to our tree for the first time!

20111203 Christmas Tree 02

Singing: Angels we have heard on high

Homemaking: Finishing the padded pelmets for our home. Phill put compost around the garden too.

Watching: Cricket and Peppa Pig.

Buying: A few clothing essentials and Emily’s Christmas dress for this year. Also a trip to Woolies for groceries

Eating: Phill cooked breakky – scrambled eggs on toast. Sharing a donut at the shops. Steak diane and veggie mornay with garlic bread for tea.

20111203 Joondalup shops 05

Realising: How little cash I carry when the EFTPOS is down at Woolies. On a hot day (at 18 weeks pregnant too) I decided paid the $1.50 to withdraw money at NAB, rather than walk around to Westpac with Emily.

Sleeping: A few extra hours this afternoon, so perhaps that’s why I have a little less to say!

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