2020 has been a bit of a different year for everyone, hasn’t it? We have been thankful to have a little bit less disruption to our lives than many people around the world. After many socially distant laps around our local park during lockdown, we were thrilled to get back to our sports in May. The second half of the year has been busy with lots of rescheduled excursions! We took a visit to Kalbarri in November and it was a great week swimming in the pool, cruising the river, exploring the gorges and fishing.
Matthew is nearly 5 and will be in pre-primary in 2021. This year he is old enough for Junior Blasters cricket and in January he will start swimming lessons and gymnastics. He’s excited to be old enough to join in with his siblings!
Lucy was able to have her 6th birthday party just after the lockdown restrictions lifted in Perth, so she was excited to see her friends after so many weeks at home by ourselves. Lucy is keen writer and loves to send letters to her friends and family. Lucy has just got glasses, she has hyperopia and astigmatism (like Emily, but milder) so will wear glasses for a while as her eyes grow.
Edward turned 8 and although he was sad his party had to be cancelled due to lockdown, Phill hosted an amazing party on Zoom with his friends. This year Edward completed year 3 and continued with gymnastics and cricket. He loves having guitar lessons with Grandad Okely.
Emily celebrated her 11th birthday with her friends with a Minecraft online party. She’s just finished primary school with a lovely celebration with fellow homeschoolers at Tompkins on Swan. She is continuing with piano, Spanish, ballet and gymnastics. Emily enjoys coding and is learning JavaScript.
Phill continues at BHP as WA Projects Discipline Engineering Manager, busy with an ever-growing team and an ever-increasing list of projects. He worked from home for 3 months and checked in daily with his team online! Phill is also still part of the Compass Kids ministry at church hosting the main group time.
Melissa continues home-schooling, music at church, scrapbooking and teaching online classes. This year she also played piano for the Christmas Carols in the Park at Heathridge and Yanchep so we have spent many weeks listening to her practise the 22 songs on that setlist!
Merry Christmas and our best wishes for 2021. We hope your family enjoys this special time of the year.
We would love to hear from you.