This year has been filled with all kinds of adventures! Some highlights were seeing all the beautiful flowers at Araluen, visiting the Pinnacles, taking the children fishing and attending our first test match at Perth Stadium.

Matthew is nearly 4 and is a joyful participant in everything he does. He loves sport, music (he loves ‘playing’ any instruments he gets his hands on) and dancing to any music he hears. He will start kindy in 2020.
Lucy is 5 and has finished pre-primary. Lucy had a big finish to the year participating in the “O Chicken of Little Faith Musical”, her first ever dance concert as a Munchkin in the Wizard of Oz ballet, singing on stage at church in our Family Christmas service and being part of the lunch break junior cricket on day 2 of the Test Match at Perth Stadium. Plus, Lucy lost her first tooth! She has taken everything in her stride.
Edward turned 7 (year 2). This year Edward has enjoyed gymnastics. This year he started cricket in the Master Blasters group at our local club. He was given a guitar for his birthday and has enjoyed learning to play. Like most boys his age, he loves Minecraft (computer game), Pokémon trading cards and building creative things with Lego.
Emily celebrated her 10th birthday with her friends at the Pottery Playhouse where the girls all enjoyed glazing ceramics. She’s just finished year 5 and is continuing with piano, Spanish, ballet, gymnastics and cricket. Any spare moment is spent reading, drawing or creating something with Lego. She is also a big fan of Minecraft so enjoys playing that with Edward.
Phill continues at BHP as WA Projects Discipline Engineering Manager, busy with an ever-growing team and an ever-increasing list of projects. He was able to represent BHP at the World Engineering Convention in Melbourne, and at Resources Technology Expo in Perth. He had surgery on his hand for a torn ligament in March and is back to normal now. Phill is also still part of the Compass Kids ministry at church, storytelling and teaching years 4-6.
Melissa continues home-schooling, music at church, scrapbooking and teaching online classes. This was her last year on the Mothers of Pre-schoolers (MOPS) team, which has been a part of our life for past 8 years.
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2020. We hope your family enjoys this special time of the year. We’d love to hear from you.