We started 2016 with the arrival of Matthew Alexander Shanhun on the 5th of January (one week overdue). He has been an absolute delight and a lovely happy and placid baby. Matthew’s just starting to chatter (and say Dad!), pull himself up to stand and has 7 teeth.
Emily has enjoyed a full year. As well as studying year 2, she started learning to play piano, ballet, and acrobats. She also took her first dance exam, for Tinies A and passed Highly Commended. Emily celebrated her seventh birthday with a ballet-themed party. Other highlights of her year include her first time ice-skating (with former ice-hockey player, Grandad Okely), participating in a choir, sports days and saving up to buy a Sylvanians dollhouse.
Edward turned four this year with a piñata cake (by his request) and a big celebration with friends and family. It was lovely to see so many of you there! He is loving homeschool kindy and moving up into the kindy room at Church, where the leaders have spoiled his class with amazing activities and gifts. Edward has been participating in the Fledgling Falcon Aussie Rules skills classes this year with Phill. He loves his footy, and enjoyed watching the Eagles in a pre-season game at Arena Joondalup.
Lucy turned two in June and is talking up a storm! Lucy is an adventurous little girl, so we were surprised when broke her wrist in July tripping in the playroom rather than doing acrobatics on the play equipment! She loves her dolls and has been practicing caring for them. Lucy also loves her baby “Maffew” dearly, and has been a good helper for Mummy.
We’ve all enjoyed Lego Club at the Woodvale Library and have also been able to join in with several Homeschool WA excursions and sports events.
We went on a family holiday to South Australia in September and enjoyed seeing the Store branch of the family and looking around Adelaide, the reunion in Port Elliot and a couple of days in gorgeous Hanhdorf. Lucy and Matthew enjoyed their first flights and everyone travelled well, and we made good use of the children’s area Qantas Lounge!
Phill continues at BHP Billiton Iron Ore in Perth, working as Lead Electrical Engineer. He’s upgraded several tools in the shed and is currently building a front wall to enclose our front garden and cut down on the road noise. Phill has managed to organise his work schedule to be able to join us for several excursions and family outings which has been fun.
Melissa continues as wife, mum and homeschool teacher. I’ve also been leading Hello Mornings Bible studies and squeezing a bit of scrapbooking in my spare time. I’ve been enjoying getting back into Pilates and taking the time to find new parks around the area on my daily walks (thanks to Pokemon Go!)
We are looking forward to Christmas and hope your family enjoys this special time of the year.