I love remembering the fun we’ve had together, and came across some shots of us trying out the webcam back in March 2010. I’m thankful that with digital photography we have a chance to grab snapshots of everyday life, without breaking the bank. If you love reminiscing, try Memolane I’m posting a quick thankful thought… Continue reading Thankful for Photos
Category: Life
30 Days of Thankful
I’m thankful that my body is healthy and I’m able to get back into exercise I’m posting a quick thankful thought each night as part of Cathy Zielske’s 30 days of thankful project
Thankful for my Heritage: 30 days of Thankful
Some of you may see what follows as cliche, but I can tell you every day I am living a full, wonderful life thanks to all those people who made our family, country and world what it is today. I’m so thankful for the hard work of everyone who has gone ahead of me. You’ve… Continue reading Thankful for my Heritage: 30 days of Thankful
Thankful for Sunshine
In a time when many are struggling with storms, I’m thankful for the sun today. I’m posting a quick thankful thought each night as part of Cathy Zielske’s 30 days of thankful project
Thankful for Phill: 30 Days of Thankful
Sitting at my new study desk with my new shelves behind me, hearing the coffee maker running, reminds me of how much Phill does for me every single day. I love you! I’m posting a quick thankful thought each night as part of Cathy Zielske’s 30 days of thankful project
Thankful for friends
It’s lovely to meet new faces. Today we enjoyed the blustery afternoon celebrating our little friend’s third birthday. I love that we have made so many friends here in and have to opportunity to make some new ones today. I’m posting a quick thankful thought each night as part of Cathy Zielske’s 30 days of… Continue reading Thankful for friends
30 Days of Thankful: MOPS
Mothers of Preschoolers started this year at Whitford Church. It’s a chance for mums with little ones at home to get a hot drink, meet with other mums and have a little time out while the little ones are cared for. I enjoy the learning each fortnight from meal planning, to photography, finding joy to… Continue reading 30 Days of Thankful: MOPS
Thirty Days of Thankful: Day 1
Photo by Julian Masters I’m thankful for a happy baby who laughs and loves life. Edward helps us recapture the joy of everyday. I’m posting a quick thankful thought each night as part of Cathy Zielske’s 30 days of thankful project
You at 6 months
Just learnt to blow raspberries Can roll onto, but not off your tummy Have worked out your cot is quite fun to play in Love to see who is talking Don’t like Mummy eating or drinking while you are feeding Are 8.6kg and bigger than Emily at 1 year! Love getting your hair brushed Are… Continue reading You at 6 months
Cold porridge, cold tea, warm heart
Some amazing things that happen when you become a mum.Somehow all the important things have to wait, and you can learn to survive, and even thrive, without them.You may never actually finish a cup of tea in one sitting and it’s a very rare to actually eat meal while it’s hot. I saw this dedication… Continue reading Cold porridge, cold tea, warm heart