Boot Camp Perfect: Scrap Happy Blog Hop

scrap happy 3Welcome to the Scrapworthy Lives Scrap Happy Blog Hop.I’ve been loving reading Stephanie’s blog about the Scrap Happy project over at Scrapworthy lives, so I was thrilled when I found out she’s got a blog hop going. You have probably found me from Kiss and Tell Scrapbooking.

This month the theme is:

Boot Camp Perfect


This month we are looking at all the of the Happiness Project ideas and implement a few of them during the month. Here’s some things that have stood out to me from this series in 2011:

PS Want more Scrap Happy goodness?

I think my aim to focus on whatever I’m doing will take me a long way towards happiness – being present in the moment.

What have you learned through the Happiness Project? Or about happiness in General in 2011?

Head over to Scraps & Sass for the next stop in our journey.

In case you get lost, here are the rest of the blogs:

Here’s to a happy 2012!


Enjoy this post? You may also enjoy Lisa Day’s Journey to Happiness What Matters Most class at Big Picture.

What matters most in your life? Have you really taken the time to think about the answer to that question?

“We will be working towards celebrating and creating a life
dedicated to focusing on what matters most to you!”
– Lisa Day

In Lisa Day’s latest workshop, you’ll spend four weeks setting up creative action plans to make sustainable changes that will help you focus on and stay true to what matters most. In class you will create two layouts and two mini albums which can be used as a guide to creating and celebrating a life – never losing sight of what matters most.

Do you want to make some changes in your life so that you can experience greater happiness and really focus on the things that truly matter to you? The journey to happiness is an on-going process, but with a clear focus, you can enjoy that journey every step of the way. Only $19 for the class!


*affliliate links where possible- please use them to support my blog*