Thankful for money

Today I made a few purchases for an upcoming event and it struck me that I am truly blessed to be able to get the supplies I needed without worrying about where the money will come from to pay for them.Blessed to be a blessing.

Thankful for fun

Fun can be simple, like hiding under the covers, to surprise Daddy as he arrives home, reading a book and learning more about our world. Being present to notice the little moments of fun rather than waiting for the big events is part of what keeps me joyful each day. I’m posting a quick thankful… Continue reading Thankful for fun

Summer: 30 days of Thankful

So it’s not really summer, but the cricket is on, it’s hot enough to turn on the air-con and it smells like summer. I love it! I’m posting a quick thankful thought each night as part of Cathy Zielske’s 30 days of thankful project

Thankful for Photos

I love remembering the fun we’ve had together, and came across some shots of us trying out the webcam back in March 2010. I’m thankful that with digital photography we have a chance to grab snapshots of everyday life, without breaking the bank. If you love reminiscing, try Memolane I’m posting a quick thankful thought… Continue reading Thankful for Photos

30 Days of Thankful

I’m thankful that my body is healthy and I’m able to get back into exercise I’m posting a quick thankful thought each night as part of Cathy Zielske’s 30 days of thankful project